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A Beautiful Prison Page 3
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Page 3
Maybe Ruby should have fought harder, tried to connect with the other girls being held captive, but they were always watched, ordered to stay silent, and the fear of her situation and of pain kept her silent. She felt weak, as if she was a coward, even though she knew she had simply been trying to stay alive. Conflict ran high inside of her, the tug and pull of doing something to retaliate, or being meek and submissive to survive. They didn’t hit her, and for that she was thankful, but the words she had heard when she was first taken played in her head over and over again.
“You mark up the merchandise and the price decreases.”
So she stayed quiet, did as she was told, and knew that this wasn’t her last stop. There had been enough cryptic conversations from the men guarding them that Ruby had understood they would be sold, even if she hadn’t already come to that conclusion the very first night of her capture. To whom they were being sold was still a mystery, but Ruby had seen enough documentaries that her imagination on the depraved things that would be forced upon her ran through her head like a horrifying movie reel.
Now here she stood, in a line wearing nothing but a shift and a rope binding her wrists together in front of her. She glanced up and saw a thick curtain blocking her view from where she was ultimately headed. All was silent aside from the few girls that were sniffling back their tears. She looked to the side and saw the men on each side of the line that had their eyes trained on them. Ruby shivered from the chill in the air, even though she wore a very loose fitting shift that looked more like a pillowcase than an actual dress. It was clean though, and in fact all the women had been forced to wash very thoroughly right before they bound and gagged them once more and thrust them into the back of a van.
A man stepped out from behind the curtain. She had never seen him before, but he looked like he had money. Maybe he was the one that controlled this whole sick operation? He wore an expensive-looking suit, a shining gold watch, and had a diamond stud in his ear. He looked far too old to be wearing an earring, maybe even closer to a grandfather’s age, but there was a very cold expression on his face as he looked over each girl in line. He didn’t say anything at first, and when he had looked at all of them he moved back to the curtain and clasped his hands in front of him. For several seconds all he did was stand there, and a few of the girls started crying harder.
“This is your last stop, children,” he said, and those words held a lot of meaning, but they were also cryptic. The older man tilted his chin to someone, and the men on either side of them stepped forward. In the blink of an eye they produced needles and proceeded to inject each girl. The ones that realized what was happening struggled at first from surprise and then fear, no doubt, but whatever they injected them with worked fast and soon the women were making low sounds and slumping forward. Whatever was in those needles couldn’t have been too strong, though, because the girls were able to stand up still. All of this happened within seconds, and Ruby turned and glanced at the man now moving toward her.
“Please, I’ll do whatever you say. I don’t need that.” He didn’t even meet her eyes, and instead snatched her arm in a firm grasp, stabbed the needle into her, and depressed the plunger. A burning sensation started at the point of contact, and tears formed in the corner of her eyes.
“You need to behave, and to appeal to the bidders, hence the little chemical persuasion we gave you.” The old man spoke without a hint of remorse, but then again Ruby didn’t suspect any person that was involved with kidnapping and selling women would have any morals or empathy toward the human race.
She started to feel herself grow lightheaded, felt her arms become too heavy to try and hold up, and weaved slightly. She had been drunk once in her life, and the effects were similar, but more pronounced, more relaxing, and she knew that right now they were nothing more than droids for these men. She could still think clearly. But it seemed like it took a very long time for her mind to process the information.
The first few girls were pushed forward. There was a shove from behind her and she stumbled into the girl into front of her. Her mouth became unbearably dry, and her tongue felt thick. She couldn’t stop the tears, couldn’t even force herself to do anything but put one foot in front of the other. Shaking her head to try and clear it only made the room spin and her stomach churn. There were a few steps that led up to the curtained-off area, but once she cleared those she stepped onto a platform. Lights beamed down and she had to close her eyes momentarily from the harsh glare. Ruby tried to lift her arms again, but they were just too heavy, and every step she took felt like she was trying to move through thick mud. When the girl in front of her stopped, hands grabbed Ruby’s arms and moved her into the position they wanted. She tried to cover herself, even if she did wear the god-awful dress, but she couldn’t find the strength. She wore no undergarments under the gown, and knew her nipples and the small patch of her pubic hair could be seen clearly through the paper-thin material. Although she didn’t hear anything aside from the occasional shuffling sound, she felt so many eyes on her that a light sweat started to form along her forehead. No one spoke, but each girl, starting at the front of the line, was pushed forward for a few seconds, and then immediately pulled back, as if someone discarded them. Ruby turned and glanced sideways, trying to focus, but her vision went from clear to blurry repeatedly.
Each time a girl was pushed forward to whoever was watching them, the older man would state their age and whether they were a virgin or not. There were more non-virgins then there were virgins. When they got to the girl beside her Ruby watched as she curled into herself and started to cry harder. The old man whispered something harsh to her and she looked up at him with wide eyes. Everything was so fuzzy that she could see his mouth moving, but couldn’t make out the hushed words he said. But whatever they were had the girl crying harder and shaking her head in response. He yanked her forward, deemed her a non-virgin, and pushed her back in line as if he couldn’t stand to touch her. Then it was her turn, and all the strength that Ruby had thought she had vanished when he wrapped a wrinkled hand around her arm, grinned down at her, and pulled her forward.
* * *
Gavin Darris leaned back in his chair and stared at each young woman that was presented. There were about ten other men sitting in the crudely erected auction room. Although this certainly wasn’t a luxurious setting, he was here for the merchandise, not the scenery. The items up for sale were young women, barely legal girls really. Gavin knew they had been taken from their homes against their will and offered up like cattle to a pack of wolves. He should have felt disgusted with himself for being here, but he didn’t, and in fact had been eagerly waiting for this night for the past month when he found out about it. Having an unlimited amount of wealth and knowing very corrupt men made finding and visiting these little auctions very easy.
There was a wide variety of females on the stage, all wearing the same white sheet-like dress, and having the same drugged expression. But they ranged in age, race, hair color, and body type. Gavin wasn’t particularly picky on the submissive he wanted, but what he craved was a female that would give herself to him fully. He wasn’t in need of female company, didn’t want someone to chat with. What he wanted was a female that didn’t willingly give herself to him because of his social status or bank account. He wanted a true submissive in every word, and although he wasn’t particular fond of the BDSM lifestyle for himself, he wanted a submissive that would enjoy having his marks on her body, a woman that would writhe when he restrained her, and craved pain as much as he wanted to give it to her.
Gavin needed the total control that a female could give him, that a masochist could give him. He didn’t want their surrender because the female thought to gain something in return, but one that needed to unleash the inner pain as much as he did.
Purchasing a female that was drugged and kidnapped was certainly not the most honorable thing a man could do, but then again Gavin had never claimed to be anything of the sort. He was who he was, had a
limitless bank account to purchase a harem of submissives if he chose, but all he wanted was one that would look at him like he held their very life in his hands. And he would, in every sense of the word.
Each female was presented to the silent bidders, and through the corner of his eye he saw hands being raised as bids were placed. These human auctions were always at different, secluded spots where only a few select people knew about them. Gavin couldn’t say why he had chosen this particular one when he had known about countless ones before. He had just known that it was time to put away the countless women he had fucked that had tried to be submissive, tried to find the “traditional” way, and would get one the unconventional route. So far no female piqued his interest, tempted the dark bastard inside of him. But then he saw her, and everything in him stilled.
She swayed on her feet, and her tears were a continuous flow down her cheeks. Her tears had his dick hardening and the sadistic asshole inside of him growing excited. The light shone through her gown, and the sight of her dark pubic hair and hard nipples and areolas had his cock throbbing. Her hair was long, wavy, and a dark brown. Even from the short distance and through the drugged-out expression of her half-lidded and red-rimmed eyes, he could see the very vibrant green of her irises. Gavin shifted and leaned forward, trying to get a better look at her, but there was no denying that he wanted her, and that she would be the one that would sate his dark, primal urges.
“Eighteen-year-old certified virgin,” the man presenting the woman announced as he pulled the brunette forward. Where she had been timid and stayed in line with the others just moments before, something snapped behind her eyes when the older gentleman ran his hand down her back and pulled the material of the shift back until the material tightened on the front half of her body. Her breasts pressed against the fabric in all their glory, and he got an unobstructed view of her slender form. She had curves, but her legs where long and toned, and her belly flat. Her breasts were also large for her size, but she was perfect, and that was proved when he saw a determined and fierce expression cover her face. Gavin watched curiously as she started to struggle. She lifted her bound hands, tried to bring them down on the man that held her. When that didn’t work she strained forward, the fear and need to escape clear on her face. But her movements were slow from whatever they had clearly given her. The older man’s face took on a red hue. Hands in the bidding area started to lift. A fighter wasn’t what every man here wanted, but it excited more than a handful. The kind of people that came to these auctions—men like himself—clearly liked the darker pleasures in life. He didn’t need to look into their eyes to see the depravity of their desires, of their need to break and ruin her, remold her into whatever pet they saw fit. But Gavin wanted to give her pleasure and pain as much as he took it, and no one in this dammed place would stop him from getting her.
Chapter Four
After they stood on the platform for several minutes, they were ushered back behind the curtain once more. Ruby expected to be punished for her little outburst on the stage, and honestly she hadn’t known what had gotten into her. But when that guy had pulled on her shirt, showing off her body like it was free to be seen, she had just lost it. She didn’t want this, had sat by idly and behaved like she was this little victim long enough for the sake of surviving, but she just couldn’t do it anymore.
“Girl, you’re lucky someone purchased you. If not, I would have made sure you paid for that little show with blood.” Ruby started to shake uncontrollably as the old man leaned in close and grinned. “But I know you will spill enough blood with your owner to appease my thoughts.” He gripped her arm and pushed her forward to one of the guards. “Get her cleaned up.” These bastards were selling them like they were nothing more than inanimate objects. She was a human being, but treated as something that could just be purchased from the store. She knew she would experience pain, degradation, and vile things at the hand of her owner. There was no beautiful illusion that whoever purchased her would let her go, or at the very least treat her like she was an actual person.
No, this person would be sick and abusive, perverted, with the nightmarish delusions that they could do whatever they wanted to her. How could they be any different if they were buying women?
How could she escape when she didn’t even know where she was? But she would much rather die trying than survive as someone’s sexual slave. Bile rose in her throat at the thought of someone actually thinking they owned her.
Owner. She was no one’s property, and would make that clear, even if it was with her last breath.
Her “handler” took her over to a row of other women Ruby assumed had been purchased as well. She looked over at the other handful of girls, and the sick feeling in her stomach intensified when she saw them being herded out the back door. She didn’t know what their fate held but she hoped it was better than hers, although she realized how foolish that thought was as soon as it came to her.
They had already been forced to shower before the auctions, so she wasn’t sure what they planned on doing next. They were led into a small room, and Ruby looked around. There were a few vanities and a few young women standing by them. The guy behind her pushed her toward one of the seats. He shoved her down on it and took a few steps back when the woman came forward. She didn’t speak or make eye contact with Ruby, and she wondered if this was a kidnapped woman that hadn’t gotten bought. Ruby’s hair was brushed and left down, lotion was applied to her exposed skin, and a floral perfume was applied to her pulse points. She didn’t fight, because the drugs were thick in her, and she had a hard time focusing. This felt like some kind of grotesque episode of behind the scenes of a sex-trafficking auction. The other girls in the room were quiet, but when Ruby glanced at them she saw silent tears rolling down their cheeks.
“Please, I need your help.” Ruby said in a whisper and stared into the woman’s face. She couldn’t be more than twenty, but there was an age around her eyes and mouth that spoke of a life lived a hundred times over. There was no reaction from the woman, so Ruby tried again. She had to, because once she was back in the hands of these men, they would haul her away and the nightmare that was now her life would start. “Please, please look at me.” There was a flicker in the woman’s dark eyes. The girl moved to the side of her, blocking the view of the door.
“You must be quiet or we will both be in trouble.” The young woman had a thick accent, maybe from South America. She ran the brush through her hair once more. Ruby looked at the table where make-up and brushes were laid out. Before she could say anything else to the woman, plead with her female-to-female, she was hauled out of the chair and pushed out of the room with everyone else. Ruby’s heart pounded hard and fast, and beads of perspiration started to dot her forehead. They had bound her hands once more after her shower, and the rope dug into her flesh. She was led toward a different door at the end of a long hallway, and when it was opened she saw that it was dark outside. A cool breeze whistled by, moving the tendrils of her hair from her shoulder, and sending chills through her body.
A dark limo sat a few feet away, and a wave of déja vu slammed into her. Was the man that bought her the same one that she had seen on the bus and then watched get into the limo back in Fort Hampton? That didn’t seem very likely since he could have just taken her without having to go through all of this trouble.
An older man climbed out of the driver’s side and walked around to open the back passenger door. He didn’t speak, didn’t even look at her. She was led forward again, but she was scared beyond belief at what was inside the dark confines of that vehicle. She couldn’t see anything aside from a pair of legs encased in what looked like a suit, and black, shiny dress shoes. Ruby’s tongue was so thick she thought she would choke on it. And every step she took felt like she was meeting an executioner. She started struggling once more, and although she knew it wouldn’t make any difference now, and that she still had the fogginess of the drugs in her system, she couldn’t do this willingly.
> “Please, God, please let me go.” She tugged and pulled at the two men holding onto her arms, heard their grunts as they struggled with her, and although there was no way she could overpower them, she tried. But everything inside of her stilled when a hand slowly emerged from the interior of the car, palm up, and fingers curling inward like he was trying to coax her forward. That small moment of stunned fear at seeing that masculine hand with those long, strong-looking fingers seeming to reach for her, was enough of a gateway for her captors to pull her all the way forward and push her into the limo. The door slammed shut behind her and she scrambled off the ground and onto the seat. Pushing herself against the side of the car, she heard the locks engage and stared with horror at the man seated right across from her.
He wore a dark, expensive three-piece suit. The small part of the shirt underneath was a stark white and the tie a light blue—the same color as his cold, bottomless eyes. He was tall and very muscular, and that strength wasn’t hidden behind the material of his clothing. With his long, muscular limbs, Ruby had no doubt he could crush her with little thought. Suddenly she couldn’t breathe as the air inside of the vehicle grew warmer, and the scent of his spicy, intoxicating cologne filled her head.
“Breathe.” She snapped her eyes up to his face when he spoke. His voice was a deep timbre, and that one word held a lot of power. She sucked in lungful after lungful of oxygen, and a sardonic smile covered his face, as if he was pleased that she had listened with no fight. “Tell me your name.” She shook her head, her throat closed, and she started to shake uncontrollably. “Relax, darling.” He smiled, and she was sure he had used that on countless people to make them do his bidding, but to her he just looked like a predator. She didn’t want to show this reaction in front of him, but she couldn’t help it. Maybe she was in shock? Yes, that had to be it, because if this didn’t throw someone into a state of shock she didn’t know what would. Instead, she tried to gain control of herself. Licking her lips only had him looking down at her mouth and watching the act.